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Hey 👋 I am Jyoti Vakare
I'm Jyoti Vakare, a Front End Developer with a deep-rooted passion for web development. Armed with a strong skill set encompassing React.js, Redux, and TypeScript, and backed by a Post Graduate Diploma from IIIT Bangalore, I am committed to delivering cutting-edge web solutions.
My journey as a developer has been enriched by valuable startup experience, where I've gained practical insights into creating dynamic and user-centric applications.
In addition, I had the privilege of contributing to open-source projects as part of the Girlscript Summer of Code program, fostering a love for collaborative development. Furthermore, my dedication to continuous growth led me to complete a rigorous 7-month bootcamp in the MERN stack, ensuring I stay at the forefront of technological advancements.
I am excited to leverage my knowledge and experiences to create innovative digital solutions and contribute to exciting projects.
Take a look at my work or get in touch!
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Utility Application

Utility application is a collection of useful text processing utilities. All text tools are simple, free and easy to use. Includes: Encoder/Decoder String Utility Unit and Base Convertors Language Translator

Technologies Used : Vanilla JS, Css , Html
Tools Used : VScode, git, eslint, stylelint, pretteir, heroku


Rating And Review

Rating and Review Website to review and rate doctor.
The site is two-page application with a listing of doctors and detail of a doctor with user reviews.
Followed Airbnb Best Practices for Js.

Technologies Used : Vanilla JS, Css , Html
Tools Used : VScode, git, eslint, stylelint, pretteir, heroku


Developer Profile.

Developer Profile using Github Api
Created a platform where anyone can create their developer profile.
Developed an MVP where we take certain profile ids for each developer and create a basic profile for them including the following information:
Profile URLs (github, linkedin, codechef, hackerrank, twitter, medium)
Profile Information from Github API (name, bio, avatar_url, company, blog, location, email)
Repo List (name, description, updated_at, html_url)
Used the GitHub ID of the developer as the Unique ID to denote that developer on your website.
Apart from Github, adding any other profile should be optional for the developer while creating their profile.

Once a developer submits the form to create their profile, fetched their data from Github including profile and repo information and included it in the user information.
Technology Used: MERN stack. Tools Used : VScode, git, eslint, stylelint, pretteir, heroku



Worked on Ecommerce.
The project contained following features:
Created a product home page/landing page for a clothing.
Created product listing page (PLP) This page comes up after clicking on a category based on some sale with a set of eligible products.
The product detail page (PDP) is a page that contains all the available details about the product that the customer might need to know to buy the product.
Added a way to add the product to the cart and checkout for free.
The cart is generally displayed at the top of most of the pages so that the customer can go to the cart page and complete the order whenever they want to. The cart is instantly updated on adding or removing an item.
Integrate with a payment gateway Razorpay and allow payments.
Technology Used: MERN stack.

Tools Used : VScode, git, eslint, stylelint, pretteir, heroku


Zomato Clone

Worked on zomato clone.
Features Include:
Home Page: Choose the city to check the list of restraunts.
Restraunt Listing: All the restraunts in the chosen city with real time pagination and filter based on categories.

Technology used : ReactJs, zomato developers Api
Tools Used : VScode, git, eslint, stylelint, pretteir, heroku



